The word in maps
Current projection:
Please select your File Type:
Your current projection system:
You can import Txt, Dxf, Kml,GPX, or Geojson file
Simply, Map Tools Free, is the Simplest and The Best Alternative To Paid Map tools.
First and before using this tools, be sure to choose the right projection system (epsg), our application support more than 5000 projection system all world wide, so select your country and your projection system
This tool lets you find any location on earth, but first, be sure to set your country and projection system, for that you can use two options
To use The Geolocation feature you have to :
By this tool you can create or edit many vector features as :
In case you want to modify a drawn feature, you can use this button
To delete one feature, use this button .
If you want to remove all features at once use this one
to stop drawing press the cursor button
To measure distance or area is super easy, just draw all your features and press this button, Distances and areas will be displayed right away
Our application can also provide the elevation information (and yes its all free too), Furthermore, you can display un altitude profile of a section, for that just draw a polygon or polyline the use this button to display the profile. If you want just one point altitude, simply draw a point and the altitude will be displayed
one more thing, you can export your altitude profile on csv format anytime
This application lets you, import your files to visualize them or even edit them, also you can export your work to other formats
what is amazing about this application, your can export your files on any projection system, for that, be careful about the projection using when importing or exporting files
the import feature support kml, dxf, GPX, geojson and text files (More to be added very soon)
Before importing any file, please verify the projection system, except for kml and GPX files
You can export any drawing to kml, dxf, GPX, geojson and text files
When you decide to export your work, be careful about the projection system
Finally Good Luck!
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